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f. 5 2 (i) u3 3u2 ı3u 1 B1 Correct unsimplified expansion of (u 1)3M1 Substitute for x 2u3 6u2 ı9u 8 ª 0 A1 3 Obtain correct equation ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY GCE MATHEMATICS 4725 Further Pure Mathematics 1 QUESTION PAPER Candidates answer on the printed answer book. OCR supplied materials: 4725 Mark Scheme January 2009 10 (i) x y2 2,2xy 5 4x4 8x2 5 0 2 2 2 x 10, y ( i ) 2 2 2 10 (ii) z2 2 i 5 2 z (10 i) 2 2 (iii) (iv) M1 A1 M1 M1 A1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1ft B1ft B1 B1ft B1ft 6 4 1 3 14 Attempt to equate real and imaginary parts Obtain both results a.e.f. Eliminate to obtain quadratic in x2 or y2 Solve to obtain x (or y) values Correct OCR Maths A-Level June 2016 (3890-3892 & 7890-7892) OCR Mathematics: 4725/01 Further Pure Maths 1: Q A: OCR: OCR Maths A-Level June 2016 (3890-3892 & 7890-7892) OCR Mathematics: 4726/01 Further Pure Maths 2: Q A: OCR: OCR Maths A-Level June 2016 (3890-3892 & 7890-7892) OCR Mathematics: 4727/01 Further Pure Maths 3: Q A: OCR Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t6p04h81f Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Ppi 100 Scanner Internet Archive Python library 1.7.3. plus-circle Add Review. comment. Reviews There are no reviews yet.

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This mode enables you to perform OCR (optical character recognition) to extract data that can be recognized as text from the scanned image, and add it as a transparent layer of text to create a PDF file that is searchable. A searchable PDF file enables you to … MATHEMATICS 4725 Further Pure Mathematics 1 Candidates answer on the Answer Booklet OCR Supplied Materials: • 8 page Answer Booklet • List of Formulae (MF1) Other Materials Required: None Wednesday 20 January 2010 Afternoon Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes * * 4 4 7 7 2 2 5 5 * * INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES papers from past OCR exam questions. All A level qualifications offered by OCR are accredited by Ofqual, the Regulator for qualifications offered in England. The accreditation number for A Level in English Literature is QN: 601/4725/8.

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OCR qualifications Proof By Induction (Divisibility) Exam Questions (From OCR 4725 unless otherwise stated) Q1, (OCR 4725, Jan 2007, Q6) Q2, (OCR 4725, Jan 2009, Q7) Q3, (OCR 4725, Jun 2014, Q10) Q4, (Edexcel 6667, Jun 2009, Q8) Q5, (Edexcel 6667, Jun 2010, Q7) Q6, (Edexcel 6667, Jun 2012, Q10) Mark scheme - Further pure mathematics 1 4725 - PDF 358KB; Question paper - Further pure mathematics 1 4725/01 - PDF 234KB; Question paper - Further pure mathematics 1 printed answer book 4725/01 - PDF 464KB; Mark scheme - Decision mathematics 1 4736 - PDF 178KB; Question paper - Decision mathematics 1 printed answer book 4736/01 - PDF 582KB 4725 Mark Scheme June 2005) (i) p = 2 (ii) a = 44 1 1 1 1 1 A1ft 1 Or use substitution u = x2 quadratic equation of correct a nge and square (b Obtain M A M A M 3 2 2 1 Write down a form or re rra x 2 + 4x + 16 = 0 Use sum or product of roots to obtain 6p =12 r 6p3 = 48 Obtain p = 2 Attempt to find O numerically or in terms f p or substitute OCR Mathematics: 4725/01 Further Pure Maths 1– Download Paper – Download Mark Scheme. OCR Mathematics: 4726/01 Further Pure Maths 2– Download Paper – Download Mark Scheme. OCR Mathematics: 4727/01 Further Pure Maths 3– Download Paper – Download Mark Scheme OCR Mathematics: 4728/01 Mechanics 1– Download Paper – Download Mark Scheme 4725 Mark Scheme January 2010 20 10 (iii) M1 Correct attempt to multiply M & Mk or v.v. A1 Obtain element 2(k + 1 ) A1 Clear statement of induction step, from correct working B1 4 Clear statement of induction conclusion, following their working OCR Mathematics: 4725/01 Further Pure Maths 1: Q A: OCR: OCR Maths A-Level June 2015 (3890-3892 & 7890-7892) OCR Mathematics: 4726/01 Further Pure Maths 2: Q A: OCR: OCR Maths A-Level June 2015 (3890-3892 & 7890-7892) OCR Mathematics: 4727/01 Further Pure Maths 3: Q A: OCR: OCR Maths A-Level June 2015 (3890-3892 & 7890-7892) OCR Mathematics: 4728/01 Mechanics 1: Q A: OCR 4725 Mark Scheme June 2009 17 4725 Further Pure Mathematics 1 1.
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You should spend 1 hour and 15 minutes on each question. 1 . Write a critical appreciation of this passage, relating your discussion to your reading of This dedicated OCR Past Paper page has everything on from GCSE Maths past papers to A Level maths past papers. Revise for your OCR exam today. MATHEMATICS 4725 Further Pure Mathematics 1 QUESTION PAPER Candidates answer on the printed answer book. OCR supplied materials: • Printed answer book 4725 • List of Formulae (MF1) Other materials required: • Scientific or graphical calculator Wednesday 19 January 2011 Afternoon Duration: 1hour30minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Thursday 14 May 2015 – Morning AS GCE MATHEMATICS 4725/01 Further Pure Mathematics 1 QUESTION PAPER *3060124803* INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES These instructions are the same on the Printed Answer Book and the Question Paper.

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