NAF is a leading supplier of advanced control units, actuators and valves for complete control and safe operation in the Pulp and Paper, Chemical and Petro 


Shop for Butterfly Valves at Ferguson. Ferguson is the #1 US plumbing supply company and a top distributor of HVAC parts, waterworks supplies, and MRO products.

A Butterfly Valve is from a family of valves called Quarter-Turn Valves. Butterfly valves have a relatively simple construction. The main components of a butterfly valve are the body, disc, stem and seat. Butterfly Valves Outstanding throttling accuracy for process control is achieved through low-friction, erosion resistant sealing surfaces with very low operating torques. A broad range of applications can be met via metal- and soft-seated designs as well as lined versions for corrosive and hygienic applications. The LKB butterfly valve is controlled manually by means of a handle.

Butterfly valve

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Nodular cast iron butterfly valve - Wafer - RUBIX Sverige erbjuder en rad produkter Nodular cast iron butterfly valve - Wafer för professionella personer, som  We specialize in ball valves, plug valves, gate valves, check valves, globe valve, butterfly valves, strainer, pneumatic actuator, electric actuator. The Mainly Material  Butterfly valve 600000 VB. Elektriskt manöverdon · Butterfly valve AVS-101 DA/SR. Pneumatic, EPDM lining · Butterfly valve AVS-101 VB. Electric, EPDM sealing. Econaxe L201, DN125 High performance butterfly valve double offset lug (L201) EVBS DN125 GGG40 NBR Alubronze Butterfly valves, ''semi-lug'' wafertype  När avtalet godkänts kan varorna levereras. Läs mer på 1,5 inch butterfly valve in stainless steel.

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The newly designed butterfly valve and actuator assembly is the most intelligent, energy efficient, and reliable high flow solution in the HVAC market.

Butterfly valves belong to quarter-turn rotational motion valves family and used primarily to stop, regulate, or start the flow. The term “butterfly” in a butterfly valve is actually a disk that is connected to a rod. Butterfly valves consist of a disc attached to a shaft with bearings used to facilitate rotation.

All GF Piping Systems butterfly valves are modular, enabling them to be This wafer-style butterfly valve is made of highly durable, corrosion-resistant plastic 

PN 10 This document covers the various requirements placed on stainless steel  Detta är den andra generationens butterflventil till Fermentasaurus. Denna ventil är en förbättrad version från generation 1 som gör det enklare att samla din jäst  The newly designed butterfly valve and actuator assembly is the most intelligent, energy efficient, and reliable high flow solution in the HVAC market. Kulventil - Ball valve; Kägelventil - Globe valve; Nålventil - Needle valve; Spjällventil - Butterfly valve; Reduceringsventil - Pressure regulating valve  AL 42-A and AL 43-A are butterfly valves for mounting between flanges according to DIN 1092-1, DIN 2631 and ASME B16.5. The valve body.

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In operation, the valve is fully open or closed when the disc is rotated a quarter turn. The "butterfly" is a metaldisc mounted on a rod. When the valve is closed, the disc is turned so that it completely blocks off the passageway. Butterfly valves provide bi-directional dead-end service in commercial and industrial service. To make your selection easier, NIBCO offers specification and submittal assistance.

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You can find the largest assortment Butterfly Valves at ERIKS. Choose from more than 500.000 articles and order right away.

SEAT: EPDM. Ideal for precision throttling and on-off applications, especially in lighter-weight piping systems, the Flowserve family of butterfly valves is often specified for its  All GF Piping Systems butterfly valves are modular, enabling them to be This wafer-style butterfly valve is made of highly durable, corrosion-resistant plastic  VAT Butterfly Valves: Even a casual study of vacuum technology makes it abundantly clear that valves are almost as vital to the industry as pumps. We offer a  High performance butterfly valve.

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A butterfly valve is used to shut off or modulate the flow of a fluid (isolation and regulation). API 609 Centric butterfly valves (soft seated) are preferred to gate and ball valves for low-pressure and non-critical applications as they are cheaper, lighter and easier to install.

A butterfly valve with an ali-bronze body and disc and NBR liner suitable for a wide variety of isolation duties particularly marine applications. Manually operated, supplied with a lockable lever or gearbox. Butterfly valves belong to quarter-turn rotational motion valves family and used primarily to stop, regulate, or start the flow. The term “butterfly” in a butterfly valve is actually a disk that is connected to a rod.

A butterfly valve is a pressure vessel that controls flow through a pipe by use of a single disc mounted on a central shaft which creates a variable orifice. Butterfly 

Herberholz, Butterfly Control Valve, Type HRD / HRA, 015 / 018.

Butterfly valves are easier to operate and reduce in faster opening and shut-off – only a quarter turn is needed to fully open and close the valve.